Tag Archives: web development

‘Be Your Own Devop: Making and Maintaining a Website’ Discussion Dinner

19 Oct

Got an idea for a website? Who hasn’t, from a personal PR piece, to a missing community niche, or a fan’s tribute, or your business on the side. Many of us would have some experience in starting, maintaining, sysadminning or fixing a website in one area or another – design, features, security, usability, backups. (And the dirty words – SEO…)

But there’s no shortage of technologies and platforms to keep current with. What have you worked on? What would you like to work on? “In the cloud” or self-hosted? Embrace an all-encompassing CMS or go the Unixy piecemeal way? What do you look for in a piece of technology before you adopt it? Come and share your tips and tricks over a tasty meal.