Tag Archives: storytelling

April 27th: Transmedia, An Evening with Dr. Christy Dena

5 Apr

Transmedia storytelling is a technique of telling stories across multiple platforms and formats, recognized for its use by mass media to develop media franchises.

Dr. Christy Dena specializes in the design and execution of trans/cross-media projects. As Director of Universe Creation 101, she consults on the design of projects, now produces as well, and is developing her own creative projects and web services.

Her clients include Nokia, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Wieden + Kennedy, Australia Council for the Arts, Australian Film Festival, Australian Film, Television and Radio School.

Christy has given keynotes at Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival and the First International Conference on Cross-Media Interaction Design in Sweden.

She has been featured in ABC’s 7.30 Tonight, The Guardian, Christian Science Monitor, The Sacramento Bee, Vancouver Sun, Filmmaker Magazine, Australian Financial Review, The Age, Herald Sun, Encore, and others.

She co-wrote the Australian Literature Board’s Writers’ Guide to Making a Digital Living. Christy has published chapters or been quoted in numerous books, including Cross-Media Communications: an Introduction to the Art of Creating Integrated Media Experiences; Pervasive Games: Theory and Design; Think Outside the Box Office: The Ultimate Guide to Film Distribution and Marketing in the Digital Era; Space, Time Play; New Perspectives on Narrative and Multimodality.

Christy is a skilled educator who is an in demand speaker and mentor. She has given presentations on the design of cross-media projects to companies and organisations worldwide such as Nokia Finland; Microsoft Research; O’Reilly Media; Australia Council for the Arts; AIMIA; Film Australia; Australian Film, Television and Radio School; Australian Broadcasting Corporation and many more. She has spoken at numerous industry festivals and events worldwide, including Whistler Film Festival; Cartoons on the Bay; Power to the Pixel (London Film Festival); Slamdance; Documentary Organisation of Canada’s Reboot; DIYDays; Destination Film Festival; Revelations Film Festival and Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment.

Follow Christy on Twitter @christydena

We are so excited to host Christy and hope to pick her brain about her incredible breath of work, and the woman behind it all.

Learn more about transmedia and Christy’s work:


All info @ www.christydena.com


Join us April 27th at 6:30pm

The Honey Bar

345 Clarendon Street South Melbourne

RSVP: Meetup